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Test for OUReports on new server

OUReports, online report generator, automatically analyzes data in your existing database or your file, and generates reports, charts, maps, dashboards, provides interface for ad hoc reports and statistical research, matrix balancing, makes the creation and processing of reports convenient, simple, and accessible for end users and administrators alike.

Connect to your existing database or use our database and see reports and analytics automatically made for you:

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Attention Developers: automatically generates RDL tabular and graph reports and KML files for Google Earth and Google Maps, download them for your own use.

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Comparison of OUReports features:
Automatic data analysis and statisticsOnly reading permissions needed10000
Multiple databases including InterSystemsMS SQL Server, InterSystems Cache and IRIS, MySQL, Oracle, ODBC, csv,xml,json files10000
Built in statisticsCount, Average, StDev, CI, Correlation10000
Automatic report generatorSSRS Tabular, Graphics, Matrix, DrillDown, Google Charts and Maps10000
Report and data export. Report scheduling and sharingExcel, Word, PDF, CSV, ...11111
Generate Google Earth, Google Maps, Map and Geo ChartsKML: pins, cicles, paths, polygons, tours10010
Easy inteface to create and share DashboardsAdd Google Charts, Map and Geo Charts to dashboards10101
Easy to use interfaceAd hoc reports and Google Charts and Maps for non-programmers11110
Secure cloud based solution 11101
Free for individual users, free month trial for companiesWe serve individual users from free of charge11100
Company subscriptionDedicated web site on our server11111
Installation on company local server Software provided11011
For developers: easy RDL and KML generatorDownload generated RDL report definitions, as well as KML for Google Earth and Maps10000
Advanced interface featuresClass/Table Explorer for sys admins and developers, upload your own RDL or Crystal RPT.10000