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About Us

OUReports, online report generator, automatically analyzes data in your existing database or your file, and generates reports, charts, maps, dashboards, provides interface for ad hoc reports and statistical research, makes the creation and processing of reports convenient, simple, and accessible for end users and administrators alike. _______________________________________________________________________________________________
We are a small software development company, Yanbor LLC, that has developed the Online User Reporting software

Irina Yaroshevskaya, CEO and founder, PhD in Computer Science, has more than 20 years of experience in database design and management, as well as .Net programming. She was the Computer Manager Principal for the University of Arizona, and then worked at Xerox and Conduent, where she acquired nine years of experience in Care Management reporting systems.

Fred Lepker, Vise President of Development, has 25 years experience in software development, 19 of which are directly applicable to Midas+ Care Management reporting systems with InterSystems Cache database and .Net programming.

Sofia Shoshitaishvili, Head of Marketing, has experience in management and marketing.