Feature | | OUReports | MSPowerBI | GoogleReports | MidasPlus | OracleAnalytics |
Automatic data analysis and statisticsOnly reading permissions needed | |  | | | | |
Multiple databases including InterSystemsMS SQL Server, InterSystems Cache and IRIS, MySQL, Oracle, ODBC, csv,xml,json files | |  | | | | |
Built in statisticsCount, Average, StDev, CI, Correlation | |  | | | | |
Automatic report generatorSSRS Tabular, Graphics, Matrix, DrillDown, Google Charts and Maps | |  | | | | |
Report and data export. Report scheduling and sharingExcel, Word, PDF, CSV, ... | |  |  |  |  |  |
Generate Google Earth, Google Maps, Map and Geo ChartsKML: pins, cicles, paths, polygons, tours | |  | | |  | |
Easy inteface to create and share DashboardsAdd Google Charts, Map and Geo Charts to dashboards | |  | |  | |  |
Easy to use interfaceAd hoc reports and Google Charts and Maps for non-programmers | |  |  |  |  | |
Secure cloud based solution | |  |  |  | |  |
Free for individual users, free month trial for companiesWe serve individual users from www.OUReports.com free of charge | |  |  |  | | |
Installation on company local server Software provided | |  |  | |  |  |
Company subscriptionDedicated web site on our server | |  |  |  |  |  |
For developers: easy RDL and KML generatorDownload generated RDL report definitions, as well as KML for Google Earth and Maps | |  | | | | |
Advanced interface featuresClass/Table Explorer for sys admins and developers, upload your own RDL or Crystal RPT. | |  | | | | |